My brothers dog is driving me crazy!!!! I baby sit him 5 days a week. He try's to eat everything. If it fits in his mouth it goes there. You tell him to drop it and he tries to swallow it whole instead. This morning I wake up to find the book I just got in the mail yesterday was his chew toy of choice today. I told him I was going to kill him and he rolls over on his back and grumbles at me. I like to think he was playing dead and letting me know he understood but I fear it was more like "yea whatever lady". I swear to god around this dog you can't even afford yourself the luxury of blinking. One could end up with an eye tick making yourself blink with one eye at a time just so you always have one eye on him. So far this week between my house and his he has chewed up 4 markers, 2 pens, 5 books from off a shelf, a shoe, 2 cat toys, 3 of his toys, a loaf of bread that I didn't see him steal of the table when I was putting groceries away, a box of tissues, the doll I was working on, and bobbin, some cd's and the cases, stuff from out of the trash, a pillow, almost ate a dead bird and more. I accidentally dropped a new spool of thread on the floor and he snatched that up and tried to eat it. It took some doing but I got it away from him. Stupid me I panicked and yelled at him to drop it so he tried to swallow it. I had to fold onto his body with my legs and pry his mouth open with my hands and pull it out of his throat so he didn't choke on it. He's growling at me. I'm yelling at him that if he chokes it permanent cause I don't know the Hiymalick procedure and if he thinks mouth to mouth he crazy because that it isn't happening. I've seen what he puts in there.